Colleges in normandy

In which Norman establishments is the social situation most favorable to learning? The Ministry of National Education has put the social position indices (IPS) of French schools and colleges online.

This index evaluates the social situation of pupils according to different criteria, such as the diplomas and professions of the parents, but also the material conditions of the home, the capital and the cultural practices, or the involvement of the parents in the schooling of the child.

The greater the social position index, the more the pupil evolves in a family context favorable to academic success.

What social situation of Norman college students?

In Normandy, it is the private college Saint-Dominique in Rouen which is at the top of the ranking with an IPS of 148.7. It is followed by a public establishment in Caen with the Pasteur college (IPS of 138.1) then it is other private colleges, located in Seine-Maritime or in Calvados, which complete the top 5.

“The private sector does not create segregation but it contributes to it”, estimates Barbara Fouquet-Chauprade, sociologist of education at the University of Geneva, questioned by on these results.

“In France, the situation at this level is catastrophic, it is the OECD country where academic success is most conditioned by social origin”, continues the sociologist.

What about the college near you? Consult the search engine below to discover the ranking of the establishment that interests you. In Normandy, 389 colleges are listed.

Flourish-logoA Flourish chart

At the bottom of the ranking, below an IPS of 81, these are only public colleges. In the last two positions, the Louise Michel colleges in Alençon and Marcel Pagnol in Le Havre bring up the rear.

Geographic disparities affect students. “First on the learning conditions, but above all it has psychosocial effects on their self-confidence or on their aspirations for their future”, explains Barbara Fouquet-Chauprade.

What social situation in Normandy schools?

What about the school near you? Consult the search engine below to discover the ranking of the establishment that interests you. In Normandy, 1755 primary and elementary schools have been identified.

Flourish-logoA Flourish chart

In schools, the trend is the same with a private establishment under contract in mind. In Rouen, it is the elementary school Saint-Dominique. Four public schools follow closely, all also located in Rouen or in the conurbation.

“In primary school, parents will accept social diversity. Of the first ten places, only two schools are located outside Seine-Maritime with the private school Saint-Adjutor in Vernon (Eure) and the private elementary school Saint-Joseph in Caen.

The last 100 places in the ranking are occupied only by public schools. The five Norman departments are represented there. The primary school of Nesle-Normandeuse (Seine-Maritime), Maxime Marchand in Évreux and Jules Verne in Alençon close this ranking.

For this article, the editorial staff of relied on data concerning social position indices (IPS) in schools and colleges in metropolitan France and overseas.

These bases were finally published on October 5, 2022, in accordance with the decision of the Paris administrative court of July 13 obtained by the journalist Alexandre Léchenet, in order to compel the Ministry of National Education and Youth to transparency at the level of its data.

In order to estimate the average IPS in public establishments classified as REP, REP + or excluding priority education, relied on the “Priority Education Schools” dataset also published by the same ministry, but which does not has however not been updated since 2020.

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