Ireland has been comparatively considered an asset for Indian students who only wish to make their carrier in abroad. Ireland, the destination with green landscapes and uncrowned meadows, is a marvellous place to experience education, culture, and more often job opportunities. This article contains five persuasive reasons why the Indian students are choosing more and more the Ireland to get their education and how New Strides is assisting them to do so.

World-Class Education System

The Irish education system is ranked as one of the best systems in the world and globally competes among the best. The dedication towards academic education can be viewed in the country’s Universities and Institutes of Technology. Thus, when Indian students decide to study in Ireland, they are offered the use of research facilities, modern approaches to delivering the material, and a range of disciplines to choose from.

New Strides, the reputed educational consultancy organization, have been instrumental in providing the correct lead to Indian students in availing education in Ireland. They have a team of experts who assist students in selection of right both the academic programs in line with their goals and desires. Thus, relying on the number of contacts with the educational institutions of Ireland, New Strides helps students choose the educational program that will ultimately suit them best.

English-Speaking Environment

Another important factor that makes students have interest in studying in Ireland is the aspect of living in an English-speaking country. Since English is the medium of instruction in most universities in Ireland, the students from India can always polish their English as they chase their dreams. Such a linguistic benefit is highly beneficial to students who are aspiring to have great careers in International markets.

New Strides understands the relevancy of language tests and supports Indian students preparing for IELTS or TOEFL, etc. Their individual lessons and materials assist the students in enhancing their language proficiency and guarantee that they meet entry profiles of Irish universities and achieve comfortable communication in the English-speaking academic environment.

Affordable Education and Scholarship Opportunities

In this regard, Ireland stands out as one of the more affordable places to study abroad but this shouldn’t be confused with the quality of education. Overseas students do not need a vast amount of money to fund their way through college since the fees charged by most universities in Ireland are relatively cheaper as compared to other developed nations such as the United States or the United Kingdom. Furthermore, in the same regards, though it is not cheap to live in Ireland, sometimes it is cheaper than in other European countries.

First of all, New Strides is the company that contributes to Indian students’ mastering of financial aspects connected with their education in Ireland. Their team helps students find out various scholarships and financiers for international students that are readily available out there. Irish universities also have merit scholarships, and the Irish government also offers International students some kinds of grants.

Furthermore, New Strides ensures that students plan their budgets in the right manner depending on their study and living costs as well as the part-time employment in Ireland facilities that might be available to them. This elaborate financial planning helps in giving a cashless education facility to the Indian students so that they can do their studies without financial hurdles bogging them down.

Post-Study Work Opportunities

The policies concerning post study work in Ireland are quite favourable for the students originated from India to have international employment experience. The country provides post-study work opportunities to any foreign students who wish to stay in Ireland for two years after their studies. This makes graduates to look for employment, and possibly begin their working lives in a competitive European economy.

Career prospects are crucial to Indian students and thus, New Strides offers immense assistance in this aspect. Students benefiting from their career counselling services are able to determine probable career tracks best suited for them. The company also conducts seminars on CV preparation and salary expectation and how to prepare for the interviews for Irish job market.

Additionally, New Strides has impressive relationships with the Irish employers and companies, the college makes internships and employments available for the students. Such a network is highly beneficial to Indian graduates who wish to work in Ireland or gain some experience before going back to India.

Rich Culture and Quality of Life

Apart from the academic factors, Ireland has many things to offer to the students including the richness of Irish culture and better quality of life as compare to India. The peoples’ hospitality ensures the international students feel comfortable in the new environment immediately. There are amazing opportunities to explore in Ireland outside the classroom: beautiful and calm nature, activity and sparkle of big cities and jolly Irish history.

It is not just an academic support service, but New Strides provides all round pre departure programmes to prepare Indian students to Irish life. The former is aimed at teaching various aspects of Irish culture, social etiquette, and useful tips and tricks for the everyday life in Ireland. Another output is in the opportunity the company creates for the incoming students to engage with alumni networks a way of creating a support system for the students before they enter the Ireland soil.

Furthermore, there are official events that New Strides promote and arrange; those events are cultural exchange trips and meetings, where Indian students are exposed to the Irish culture while the Irish students are exposed to the Indian culture. Promoting this multiculturalism benefits the study abroad experience and the development of global education among learners.


The decision to study in Ireland presents Indian students with a platform to get education, work, and feels of Ireland all in one package. This makes Ireland as one of the most attractive country for the its quality education, English speaking environment, cheaper tuition fees and post-study work opportunities.

Entities such as New Strides go a long way in making this dream of studying in Ireland come through for many hard working and strived Indian students. From choosing the right program and applying for it to all the pre-departure information and help after arrival, students are provided with all the necessary and sufficient information to maximize their experience in Ireland.

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